Subnautica Items IDs and Spawn Codes

Subnautica Items IDs and Spawn Codes

Subnautica is a popular underwater adventure game developed by Unknown Worlds Entertainment, where players explore an alien ocean planet. In the game, you can use console commands to spawn items, creatures, and vehicles. Here’s a breakdown of some useful Subnautica item IDs and spawn codes. Please note, this list might not cover every item in the game but includes many common and useful ones.

Subnautica Items IDs and Spawn Codes

How to Use Codes:

  1. To enable the console, press F3 to bring up a checkbox window.
  2. Press F8 to get a mouse cursor and uncheck the box to enable the console.
  3. Close the window with F3, then press ~ to open the console.
  4. Type item [itemname] [amount] to spawn items. For example, item titanium 5.

Active Spawn Codes (as of my last update):

  • Titanium: item titanium
  • Copper Ore: item copper
  • Quartz: item quartz
  • Stalker Tooth: item stalkertooth
  • Seamoth: spawn seamoth
  • Prawn Suit: spawn exosuit
  • Cyclops: spawn cyclops
  • Knife: item knife
  • Scanner: item scanner
  • Repair Tool: item repairtool

Expired Codes:

Subnautica does not use a traditional redeem code system or have codes that expire in the way that many mobile or online games do. Instead, items and resources are spawned directly into the game through console commands as listed above. Make sure you are playing in a mode that allows the use of console commands, as some achievements may be disabled when using them.

Remember, using these commands can greatly affect your game experience. It’s recommended to use them sparingly, especially if you’re looking for a more authentic survival experience. For the most recent and comprehensive list of items and their spawn codes, consulting the official Subnautica wiki or community resources is always a good idea, as the game might receive updates or mods that introduce new items or alter existing codes.

Subnautica Items IDs and Spawn Codes FAQ

Subnautica’s use of item IDs and spawn codes allows players to add almost any item to their inventory through the game’s console, enhancing their exploration and building experiences. Below are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding Subnautica’s item IDs and spawn codes.

What are item IDs and spawn codes in Subnautica?

Item IDs and spawn codes are specific strings of text used in Subnautica’s console to spawn items, creatures, and vehicles instantly. They’re used for debugging, exploration, or simply fun.

How do I open the console in Subnautica?

  1. Press F3 to open a checkbox window.
  2. Press F8 to get a mouse cursor.
  3. Uncheck the box to enable the console.
  4. Press ~ to open the console where you can enter codes.

Can using spawn codes affect my game?

Yes, using spawn codes can disable achievements for your current game session. To re-enable achievements, you’ll need to restart your game. Additionally, overuse can potentially impact game performance or your overall experience by removing some of the game’s challenge.

Are there any limitations to spawning items?

While you can spawn most items, some may not work as expected due to game mechanics, or they might require specific conditions to function. For example, spawning creatures in an area where they don’t naturally occur might cause them to behave unpredictably.

Can I use item IDs and spawn codes on all platforms?

The console is accessible on PC, Mac, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. However, the method to open the console can vary, especially on consoles. For console versions, you typically press a combination of buttons to open the console.

Will using codes corrupt my game save?

Generally, using spawn codes and item IDs is safe and should not corrupt your game save. However, it’s always a good idea to save your game before using any codes, just in case something unexpected happens.

How do I find the item ID or spawn code for a specific item?

Item IDs are usually intuitive, often matching the item’s name in-game. For a comprehensive list, the Subnautica Wiki is an excellent resource, offering detailed information on each item and its corresponding code.

Can I remove items spawned with codes?

Items spawned with codes behave like any other items in the game; they can be dropped or destroyed if no longer needed. However, use caution when spawning creatures, as removing them may not always be straightforward.

Are there any codes for Subnautica: Below Zero?

Yes, Subnautica: Below Zero, the sequel to Subnautica, also utilizes a similar system for item IDs and spawn codes. The process for using the console is alike, but the specific codes can differ due to the different items and creatures in the sequel.

For the most accurate and updated information, consulting the official Subnautica forums, wikis, or community guides is recommended, as the game can receive updates that might introduce new codes or change existing ones.

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