Dude Theft Wars Cheat Codes

Dude Theft Wars Cheat Codes

For “Dude Theft Wars,” a sandbox action mobile game, players often seek cheat codes to enhance their gaming experience. These codes can unlock various in-game items, enhancements, or fun alterations to the game’s mechanics. Here’s a list of cheat codes that have been active and some that might have expired. Please note, the validity of codes can change, and new codes may be introduced or old ones might be reactivated. Always try them in-game to see if they work.

Dude Theft Wars Cheat Codes

Cheat Codes:

  • HEYPIXEL – Unlocks a surprise item.
  • MOONGRAVITY – Lowers gravity, making cars and players float.
  • SUPERSPEED – Increases movement speed.
  • GIANTDUDES – Makes all NPCs giant.
  • ANTDUDE – Makes all NPCs very small.
  • NOCOPS – Removes cops.
  • DAY – Changes time to day.
  • NIGHT – Changes time to night.
  • MOONGRAVITY – Experience lower gravity, making your jumps longer.
  • GIANTEVERYTHING – Makes everything bigger in the game.
  • DUDEKONG – Unlocks a special ability or item related to strength.
  • NOCOPS – Temporarily removes police from your gameplay.
  • HIGHERJUMPS – Your character jumps much higher than usual.
  • DUDEKING – Unlocks free rewards
  • MOON – Low gravity (like being on the moon)
  • SUPERCAR – Get a fast sports car
  • EVENING – Changes the time of day to evening
  • NOVA – Spawn a NOVA car

Expired Codes

  • LOOT – Used to give a large amount of in-game currency (No longer valid).
  • DAYNIGHT – Switch between day and night (This code has expired).
  • EASTEREGG – Unlocked a special Easter egg or feature, no longer available.
  • DAY – Set the time of day to morning (No longer works)
  • NIGHT – Changes the time of day to night (No longer works)
  • GOKU – A code previously used to unlock a special power (No longer active)

Redeeming Cheat Codes in Dude Theft Wars

  1. Open the game on your device.
  2. Access the in-game phone by tapping on the phone icon on your screen.
  3. Navigate to the “Cheats” app on the in-game phone.
  4. Enter the cheat code exactly as shown (codes are usually in all caps).
  5. If entered correctly, a confirmation message will appear, and the cheat will activate.

Remember, using cheat codes can drastically change your game experience and, in some cases, may disable certain achievements or progress. Always use them responsibly and for fun. Keep an eye out for new codes or updates from the developers for the most current and exciting gameplay enhancements.

Dude Theft Wars Cheat Codes FAQ

Below, you’ll find a comprehensive FAQ regarding cheat codes for “Dude Theft Wars.” This FAQ covers everything from the basics of applying cheat codes to troubleshooting common issues.

What are cheat codes in Dude Theft Wars?

Cheat codes in Dude Theft Wars are special codes that players can use to unlock various in-game items, effects, or enhancements. These can range from in-game currency to vehicles, and even unique gameplay modes like low gravity.

How do I enter cheat codes in Dude Theft Wars?

To enter cheat codes in Dude Theft Wars, follow these steps:

  1. Open the game and access your in-game phone by tapping on the phone icon on the screen.
  2. Navigate to the “Cheats” section within the game menu.
  3. Type in the cheat code you wish to use.
  4. Hit the “OK” button to activate the cheat.

Can cheat codes get me banned?

Generally, using cheat codes provided by the game developers in Dude Theft Wars does not result in a ban. These codes are meant to enhance the gaming experience. However, using third-party tools or hacks to alter gameplay could result in penalties.

Why isn’t my cheat code working?

There could be several reasons why a cheat code isn’t working:

  • Typo or Incorrect Code: Double-check the spelling and make sure you’re entering the code correctly.
  • Expired Code: The code might have expired. Developers often retire codes after a certain period.
  • Game Version: Your game may need an update. Some codes only work with certain versions of the game.

Are there new cheat codes released often?

The release of new cheat codes varies based on the development schedule and updates for Dude Theft Wars. It’s a good idea to follow the game’s official social media accounts or community forums for announcements on new codes.

Can cheat codes be used in multiplayer mode?

The use of cheat codes is typically limited to the single-player mode of Dude Theft Wars to maintain fair play in multiplayer settings.

How can I find more cheat codes for Dude Theft Wars?

To find more cheat codes:

  • Official Social Media and Forums: The developers may release new codes through their social media channels or forums.
  • Community Discussions: Gaming communities and forums often share newly discovered codes.
  • Updates and Events: New codes may be released to coincide with game updates or special events.

Remember, the fun of Dude Theft Wars can be enhanced with cheat codes, but discovering the game’s secrets and completing challenges on your own can also be rewarding.

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